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Post  OfficerCrash Thu Sep 29, 2011 8:41 pm

Ten years have passed since the beginning of the end. It spread so quickly that to this day few know the cause, but everyone has seen the results; the dead walk the land, and they hunger for the living. Barely a tenth of humanity remains, perhaps those immune to whatever has infected their fellows. In this new world there is little peace. Day to day life is a struggle for survival, a throwback to the days of hunter-gatherers. Enter this world, step into the shoes of a survivor.....and bring humanity back to the top of the foodchain.

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Join date : 2011-09-04
Age : 31
Location : Dayton, Ohio


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Main Info Thread Empty Re: Main Info Thread

Post  OfficerCrash Fri Sep 30, 2011 11:09 am

Zombie Specifications~

Our zombies are functionally dead, numb, body repurposed for killing by some virus/nanobots/magic/???. They do not know fear. They know only hunger. There is no zombie infighting, and aside from some small exceptions, they seem not to really notice one another. Decomposition seems to be a negligible factor after a certain point, for unknown reasons.

Our zombies are not infectious. They bite, but the bite cannot transmit zombification. The reason for this is that every living human left on the planet possesses some small recessive gene that made them immune to the initial airborne threat. Effectively there are no new zombies being created.....which is good, because they outnumber the living 9 to 1.

Zombies are smart enough to use very crude weapons (planks of wood, blunt objects, shards of glass). If no such object is available, they attack with their fists, pounding away with brute force.

More info will be given if requested~

Posts : 86
Join date : 2011-09-04
Age : 31
Location : Dayton, Ohio


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