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The END times...

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The END times... Empty The END times...

Post  Namimi Thu Sep 29, 2011 8:56 pm

A tall, lone woman stood in the darkness, her back against the wooden door behind her. Her breathing was light - a pointless attempt at not gaining their attention. Still adjusting to the light, or lack thereof, her eyes darted around the room.

Good. There didn't appear to be any of them inside, at least not in this room. Her legs wobbled underneath her, and she allowed herself to slide into a sitting position on the ground. With her back still against the door, she sighed, a quiet curse of 'ебать' leaving her lips. Her eyes squinted in the darkness, before slowly closing.

Her eyelids... were heavy. Her hand instinctively moved to grab her Makarov 9X18 Bulgarian on her belt, gripping onto it as she fell into a state of half-consciousness. A light slumber, but nevertheless enough to fight the sleep deprivation for another day. She remained half-alert, praying that the unavoidable groans of the dead, from the streets, wouldn't draw closer to her location.

Constantly running. Constantly avoiding the inevitable. Clutching onto that one fragment of possible hope.

This is the beginning of the end.

Posts : 3
Join date : 2011-09-05
Age : 32
Location : Outside your window ヾ(^∇^)

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The END times... Empty Re: The END times...

Post  OfficerCrash Thu Sep 29, 2011 9:16 pm

"Papa, why are we out here so late?"

The man turned to the teenage girl beside him. She was maybe 15, and the newly risen moon shone softly in her closely cropped blonde hair. The long shadow of an ancient abandoned warmachine concealed most details, but careful observation would yield the outline of a crossbow, slung low and held loosely. The man furrowed his brow and scolded her in a low voice.

"Jenny hush!"

Lee pressed his back against the cold rusted metal of the tank. Carefully he peered up over the edge into the street. A cold wind blew through the desert air at the mouth of this tiny ruinous ghost town. Sharp eyes scanned back and forth across the static landscape. Lee counted out the seconds in his mind. If they had been heard there would be have been a groaning by now. A call to arms against the living. The wind remained the only noise. Lee breathed a sigh of relief. Jenny whispered something softly.

"......sorry Papa...."

Lee grimaced and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't be sorry. Be obedient. You're old enough to be out here doing this with me now, and one day I won't be here to correct you. You gotta learn now ok?"

A small head nodded in pitiful agreement.

"Alright......Marco said he saw something moving quick across the horizon on his scope. Might be a person. Might be an animal. Either way, it's an opportunity. Now we're gonna creep through here real quiet-like, ok sweetie? Just stick close to Papa and be quiet as a field mouse, just like Uncle Marco taughtcha...."

Posts : 86
Join date : 2011-09-04
Age : 31
Location : Dayton, Ohio


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